Best way of sharing parameters/flags among nodes which donot change much?
i have to share some flags which do not change much among 4-5 nodes .A node named SERVER is changing the flags and thats very rarely. I have to check the value of flags at the rate of 10hz in other...
View Articleretrieve ros param in launch file
I would like to set a parameter in a launch file but only if the respective parameter is not yet set. (The parameter value I would like to set in the launch file is kind of default but maybe the user...
View ArticleSensor Camera on Gazebo: Could not find parameter robot_description on...
hi all, i'm trying to create a sensor camera on [gazebo](, but i have this message on the terminal when i run the launch file: [ERROR] [1323711066.531080823]: Could not...
View ArticleIn Roscpp, can I access parameters from different nodes?
Example: I have always the same node type, lets say with a parameter named "shape" I make one node (node A) with shape = "square" I make a second node (node B) with shape = "circle" in the console if...
View ArticleAppend parameters to parameter server using YAML files
Hi, Is there a way to avoid overwriting parameters when being loaded from a launchfile using a YAML file? For example, I have two YAML files like the following: config1.yaml topics: - topic: topic1...
View Articleequivalent of rosparam get or rosparam list in launch file
Does anyone know if there is an equivalent of the console command "rosparam get 'parameter'" or "rosparam list" that can be written in to a .launch file. Wanting to check if a parameter is set or...
View Articledump rosparam at program exit
Is it possible to dump rosparam when the node stops using roslaunch? On the [wiki]( it is stated, that "dump" and "delete" commands run *before* load, which is...
View Articlereading parameter in c
Hello, I am trying to read parameters in my program based on this example Here is code snippet std::string my_number; nh_.getParam("my_number",my_number);...
View Articlechange reconfiguration gui content during runtime
Hello, is there a way to generate the content of the reconfiguration GUI during runtime? For instance a drop down list where it's content is decided after program start. I know the variables are...
View ArticleHow to see all parameters in the parameter server ?
Hello everyone ! I use the eband_local_planner for the navigation of my robot in simulation. The problem is that when I type the command `rosparam list`, I can't see the parameters of my planner. It...
View ArticleHow to get/set a "system state" in ROS?
I'm porting a system to ROS that will be composed of several nodes linked by topics in a chain-like structure, in a way that each node produces some data to be consumed by the callback of the next...
View ArticleSynchronized data between multiple robots
Hi, I implemented an application in which I have three robots, each one running it's own control node, and the ROS master running on a notebook. The control node is the same, however each robot runs...
View ArticleCan rosserial set parameters?
The [rosserial parameter]( documentation shows getting parameters from the parameter server, but not setting parameters. Is there a way to set...
View Articlehigh-performance status checking
Each time I read and write from and to the servos in my symmetric robot, I want to check a mode that determines which servos to talk to (the frames of this robot can change while it's running). Because...
View ArticleHow to pass a parameter of type double as an input to a roscpp node?
I'm trying to pass a variable of type "double" to a roscpp node as a command-line variable. E.g. $ rosrun package_name node_name parameter:=0.1 And then access the parameter within the node like so:...
View ArticleWhere does the parameter server store data?
Where on disk does the [parameter server]( store data to when it's not running?
View Articlebest practices: when to use parameter server and when not?
Hi, I was wondering what experiences people have had from using the parameter server... 1. What cases must you use the parameter server? What types of data would you not read through the parameter...
View ArticleTell me how to use parameter server with rosjava
I want to make parameter server with rosjava. But I can not. As far as I've looked up, I can not find the latest information on parameter server anywhere. That's why I want you to help me I want to use...
View Articlerun_id on parameter server does not match declared run_id
I have set up several `roslaunch` files to be launched at system startup using `systemd`. However at the startup they show the above error and fail. When I set the `systemd` services to be restarted on...
View ArticleUpdated value in Parameter server not reflecting in real time Camera
Hi all, I am using two cameras and I have a .yaml file having the parameter list like fps, Width and length of the image, Pixels and few more. I have created a parameter server and have stored the...
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